PG, and TG, NV

At this time both my husband and I rarely have allergy symptoms, but that is only because we have done “tap-outs” for years whenever we encounter something, usually airborne, that causes sneezing, itchy eyes, and phlegm.    

Being able to self-treat for allergies and other stressors, puts you in touch with your own body and makes us feel empowered to keep ourselves healthy without medical care or over-the-counter drugs. 

We have often shared our experiences; however, Big Pharma and Big Med have done such a thorough job of indoctrinating people, new ideas are often met with skepticism.  For those who are open-minded and use “results” as their measurement for success, we have helped several neighbors and family members. 

Other than structural issues such as broken vertebrae and bad knees, we rarely need conventional medical care. We can both attest to the success of the at-home tap-outs. 

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